What’s a domain name’s registry?
A registry or NIC (Network Information Center) is an entity (association, company,…) in charge to manage the database which regroups domain names by category , a TLD or IP addresses for a defined region.
The domain name’s registry is in charge of:
- The management of the domain names database under their respective extensions;
- The provision and maintenance of a whois;
- The definition of the domain names attribution prerequisites in their area(s) in charge.
Indeed, the domain name’s registries are in charge of determining the attribution terms and conditions, which are often called Naming charter. These terms differ from an extension to another depending on the market or possible restrictions imposed by public authorities. The complexity of these terms is totally controlled by the experts of Nameshield, registrar accredited by ICANN and certified ISO 27001.
Source: Nameshield’s White paper – Understanding domain names