The reconstitution of the customer’s official portfolio gives a clear picture of the actual situation of its intangible assets. The principal elements are the domain names, the commercial brands, but it can also include business names and commercial signs.
An innovative tool for trademarks and domain names portfolio crossed management.
Manage and visualize your registered trademarks and domain names at the same time, and have a view in real time of your assets in the world with the Nameshield’s tool for trademarks and domain names crossed management.
Besides having access to your portfolio, you can do online research on the brands and domain names basis and access to the competitors monitoring tools.

Nameshield has developed a solution, for the crossed management of trademarks and domain names in a centralized database. Used as a true safety box of your trademarks and domain names, regardless of your providers, our solution visualizes and manages your official intangible assets.
This database allows to obtain a permanent inventory of your trademarks and domain names within many registration offices:
- French (INPI)
- English
- Communities (OHMI)
- Internationals (OMPI)
- …
Thanks to this tool, the direct access to registration offices ensures the registration of your brands within the TMCH, by the integrity of the transmitted data: no manual input, an error source and then possible rejection from the TMCH.
Nameshield is also capable to ensure the data update of your trademarks, by the weekly update of the received information from the different offices, ensuring the integrity of your data, again without any manual entry from anyone, which could be an error source.
Thus, you are assured that any modification brought in your trademark with INPI for example, is also transferred the same way within the TMCH. It concerns operations like trademark renewal, trademark cession, abandonment of a trademark…

The Nameshield’s tool for trademarks and domain names crossed management allows the data automatization from registration offices and towards TMCH and ensures:
- Help on the selection of your trademarks that should be registered in the TMCH by a crossed analysis of your trademarks and domain names within the same application.
- Registration time reduction;
- Administrative costs reduction from your services in charge of the Intellectual Property
- Perfect data integrity
- Weekly update within the TMCH
- Absence of rejection from the TMCH
- Monitoring and piloting in real time