With the augmentation of Internet in the economic, social and cultural world, ICANN has launched in 2012, a candidature call to introduce the first level new gTLDs.
Offering to companies the possibility to use a brand or a social denomination, as extension (e.g: .loreal / .alstom / .paris / .shop), the opening of new gTLDs has also created 1500 new extensions on the market (e.g: .love, .bank, .xyz, .ski, .africa, etc.): as many opportunities of risks for cybersquatting.
The creation of these new extensions inducts undeniable positive issues:
- Rising the brand visibility under generic extensions with high attraction power;
- Fighting against cybersquatting with the regrouping of the brands under the same company extension.

Although for brands owners, the arrival of new gTLDs also means:
- Rising the complexity of the brands protection on the Internet;
- Protection costs as much for the preventive deposits than the contentious procedures.
The issues consist in optimizing your domain names registration strategy on these new extensions, by protecting your brands from illicit registrations from someone else.
Please find on Nameshield’s blog the latest news about new gTLDs.